Who doesn't want a cheap flight we all do ;), I would recommend Airasia if you have tight budget and pay than less £300 for both way journey. If not don't bother to fly with this Airlines the main reason is the seat space is too small and the service is a bit disappoint but don't take my word for it. Someone people find it fine but from my experience it is just average and I like MAS better.
To endurance 13 hours flight journey with cramp sit and less choice of food sometimes no food at all is not a pleasant experience. Best example is when you purchase a ticket direct from the counter and want to fly on the same day they will charge you hell a lot of money but said that you can't book for your meal because they have catered the meal early. Then when on board the stewards say sorry we only have sandwiches left, what a shame.
I felt really unhappy with their service when fly from London to Malaysia.However, when a return flight I paid £20 for an extra leg room seat and book my meal and bring extra Malaysian Ringgit to buy extra food or drink later. In addition I also manage to sneak some food from home into the aeroplane.My conclusion is you get what you pay for the price however I believe Tony Fernandes can do better consider he can sponsor F1 why not invest more into his airlines business.
Anyway me and my wife safely back in the UK and looking forward for the Ramadhan and hoping everything back to normal. Have nice weekend and enjoy the British weather everyone :D