Saturday, October 2, 2010

Her first Cardiff Car Boot Sale

My wife always went to car boot sale when she was a student in Bristol, so she missed her old day of getting cheap stuff. That the main reason she nagging me all the time to show her Cardiff car boot sale location. In contrast, I hate car boot sale for the last 6 year or so, I only went less than 10 times to car boot sale. My opinion on car boot is people want to bin junk so what I will buy is a others people junk. However, I do agree sometimes you will get good stuff but it is require a regular visit to car boot which can cause an impulse spending. 

Last 2 week her wish is granted , a friend of mine offer us to tag along to car boot. My wife really excited and we went to Splott and Bessemer car boot sale. I prefer Bessemer compared to Splott car boot sale area because it is more bigger and have a lot of seller. Unfortunately, we only bought a set of utensils...:) because every time she like something I just not agree with her, that switch off her mood a little 

She at Splott car boot sale

Then after car boot we went to Global warehouse store which sell food but in bulk quantity. Here, I splash my cash buying a lot of dry and packing food for a winter just joking. The food price is cheap compare to normal shop like a bag of 5kg long grain rice is £1 cheaper compared to Masaala Bazar. After I thought we done for today, suddenly my mate told me that their going to Asda. So we just head there and bought some fish. Here, a picture of friendly fish monger with his fish collection in Overall, we have really great day  and I want to thanks to Fadzly and his wife for this half day out event. Cheers guys! By the way no more car boot for 

The fish monger

An angry Seabass


  1. rindu giler ok kat Sully Carboot!

  2. hahaha....xpe nanti aku upload sully tp next year xpon nanti aku wat review pasal

  3. haha ok buat2 review lx5, jgn ltk video ko unbox lx5 suda.. jeles gle aku haha

  4. tak sangka jumpa blog fahmi muahahahaa..
